
Practical Recipes Mix Botok Lamtoro

Recipes botok Lamtoro - When talking about the typical food of the country, we all certainly know that there are many traditional foods that not only taste good but also healthy and make collecting. And one of the specialties are tasty, healthy and make nagih is botok. Yep, botok can be made with different main ingredients. For example, mushrooms, tofu, tempeh, shrimp, anchovies or anchovy. Eits, one more, botok can also be made with the main ingredient lamtoro seeds or banana china.

Mmm, roughly how ya how to make botok lamtoro mixed with tempeh? Do not be confused, this you know the recipe.

  • 250 grams of seeds lamtoro (select fresh and not too old)
  • 200 grams of tempeh (cut into small dice or cut to taste)
  • Grated coconut (from half a coconut, coconut select young but not too young)
  • 3 green chilies (oblique slices to taste)
  • 1 red chilies (waste content, oblique slices to taste)
  • Banana leaves to wrap (to taste)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 cm galangal (crushed)

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Ground spices
  • 5 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 4 spring onions
  • Coriander
  • 4 cm spices kencur
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Chicken broth powder

How to make
  • Mix the seasoning paste, red chili, green chili, grated coconut, ginger and bay leaves. Stir all ingredients until well blended.
  • Add lamtoro and tempeh that has been cut into small pieces and then re-stir until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Prepare banana leaves then wrap material was according to taste.
  • If botok already well wrapped in banana leaves, steamed botok approximately for half a ham up to 1 hour until botok mature.
  • Immediately lift botok and immediately present to loved ones at home.

That recipe makes botok lamtoro mixed tempeh tasty and make collecting. Do not forget to try this recipe at home yes. Hopefully the family like this recipe. In addition to delicious, botok is also healthy and tempting you know. Hopefully this recipe useful. Oh yes, that ye botok more delicious and fresh, you may also add sliced ​​tomatoes or sliced ​​starfruit on it you know.


7 Tips To Make The Meat Tender

Tips to make the meat tender - Normally, when buying meat, a lot of obstacles that will be experienced by mothers before processing the meat is tough cooking results. Meat sometimes be difficult because of the wrong way to cook and so forth. You can mengempukkan meat by beating it, but this is rather tiring and it also can destroy the texture of the meat.

There are so many natural ingredients that you can use to mengempukkan meat before cooking, these friends.

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Papaya leaf
Carica papaya contains papain enzymes that break down proteins thus making the meat tender meat. The trick is easy, take a few pieces of papaya, knead together the meat and wrap the meat with papaya leaves and allow up to 30 minutes, can only be processed.

Fruits rich in vitamin C also contains material that can break down proteins and make the meat tender. You simply grab a taste of pineapple, shredded or destroyed, then coat the meat. After allowed to stand 20 minutes, rinse well and can only be processed.

Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can also be used. One apple juice, then soak the meat with apple juice. Allow one hour before it could be cooked.

Fruit is expensive too bad if used as ingredients meat tenderizer, but if you want to try it also allowed. Kiwi contains a substance called actinidin that could make the meat tender. Enough knead and let kiwi fruit caress the flesh. After 20-30 minutes, rinse and meat ready though.

Lemon juice
Similarly, pineapple and apple cider vinegar, lemon juice can also mengempukkan meat. But you have to wait, approximately 1 hour only be soft and the meat ready to be processed.

Tomatoes can be crushed and smeared on the meat. Knead the meat along with tomatoes and let stand approximately 40-60 minutes in order to tender.

Black coffee
Coffee grounds can also make the meat tender. Mix with a little water then smeared into the meat. Can eliminate the odor prengus and ready to cook.

Well, hopefully the tips to make the meat tender upon successful and useful for you yes ladies. Please try.

7 Tips and Tricks Saving Materials Food In Fridge

Saving Tips Foodstuffs In Fridge - food items that are usually stored in the kitchen such as vegetables, fruits and spices cooking is a natural substance that is fresh and perishable if not stored properly.

Although you can save by storing in the refrigerator, but the refrigerator not be the only place that could save foodstuffs remain durable. Here are some easy tips for storing food in the refrigerator to make it more durable.

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Do not store potatoes together with onions
Both potatoes and onions do not need to put the refrigerator, but do not store it in a container. The content of sulfur in onions can affect potatoes and make a quick foul. So do not store potatoes with onions close together.

Wrap leaves in plastic
Leafy vegetables will last longer if it is bound like a bouquet of flowers and wrapped in plastic before being put into the refrigerator. This method can prevent wilting and yellowing vegetables quickly.

Leeks in a plastic bottle
Do not waste bottles of mineral water, you can use it as a place to store leeks to keep them fresh.

Save the potatoes together with apples
There is content in apples can prevent or preclude the potatoes to sprout. The potatoes were stored for too long will usually grow shoots, nah save with an apple that did not sprout.

Discard rotten apple soon
Rotten apple or other fruits that rot better immediately discarded, if not, can infect other fruit to rot.

Rub butter on cheese before being put refrigerator
Cheese will become dry and tough if entered wrapped refrigerator without anything. To avoid this, rub the butter into the surface of the cheese, then put in a container or plastic, and you still have a soft cheese every time you want to use.

Hanging bananas
Do not keep bananas in a way put on the dinner table. This speeds up the decay. Bananas hanging on a hanger so that the surface is not depressed and the banana skin is not quickly blackened and rotted.

Well, that's a few tips and tricks storing food in a refrigerator for durability. To be effective, do not forget to always clean the refrigerator so than the rest of the vegetables or food. Hopefully Saving Tips beneficial Foodstuffs In Fridge